Life goes on

In June 2010, the oncologist told me that my wife has only three weeks or so before she becomes fatally sick meaning 'dies'. Since then 4 months have elapsed. She is still with me. She is quite good. I am sure that this is mostly thanks to polymva I gave her since late June because I had to stop all conventional therapies like chemo or radiation last year due to too many fatal complications.

MRI taken two weeks ago showed that her original tumor did not grow. Unfortunately, there are also some bad news. Cancer is newly advancing to upper part of the brain. She also has two new small tumors in addition to existing two ones. One of the small tumors is somewhat bigger than other ones and is affecting her language ability and short-term memory.

I seem to have reaped one-third success. Stopped the original tumor from growing but failed to prevent advancement of cancer to other area and emergence of new tumors.

Strangely, I am more worried than I was in June when I knew she had only three weeks or a month at most. Maybe I have now some hope and don't want to lose it again.

I increased the dosage of polymva to 16 teaspoons from 12 teaspoons a day. And I wait. I wait for something to happen or something not to happen.


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June 23, 2016

Life goes on and I am here.