
Showing posts from September, 2014

Get back to your routine

Get smoking out of your life. Listen to Bach. Read books. Sweep the rooms. Make food. Play with kids. Watch movies. Don't lose your own self. Be a widower. A self-sufficient widower.

She should be watching me

I fail myself everyday. I mingle with people. I lose myself. When I keep myself busy, I stop thinking about her. But even in those busy hours, I wish she were looking at me from somewhere. Nobody can take her place for me. Dead or alive, she was, is and will be forever my beloved wife. When all is said and done, I come back to my quiet room and she stays on my mind forever. You don't even have to show yourself in my dream. When the time comes, I will come to you.

The life you had is over.

The life you knew is over. The man that once you were is dead just like your wife is dead. You are a man with no woman in your life. You miss a woman in your life. But the woman cannot be any woman. She must be your wife. But your wife is dead. So, you are and will be a man with no woman, maybe until you die. Very probably, quite possibly, you will die alone. You are not the man that you used to be. You are a different person. Your old life is over. But you don’t have a new life. You are almost dead already.

정직한 생각

죽음 이후의 삶의 가능성에 대해서, 또는 확실성에 대해서 수많은 책들을 읽었다. 그런 책들에서 위안을 얻을 수 있을지 몰라도, 사실은 그런 책을 읽을 필요가 없는 인생이 백배 천배 행복한 인생이다. 다른 인간들은 그런 책이, 그런 정당화가 필요 없다. 그저 평범한 일상에 익숙하게 몸을 맡긴 채 사는 것이다.  희선이 나처럼 인생에 대해서 근본적으로 비관적인 생각을 갖고 있는 인간이었더라면, 희선이 그렇게 일찍 가버린 것에 대해서 내가 느끼는 부당함도 지금처럼 크지는 않았을 것이다. 그러나 희선은 삶을, 인간들을 너무나 좋아했다. 스테로이드 부작용으로 얼굴이 달덩이처럼 커진 상태로 동네 아줌마들에 둘러 싸여 환하게 웃고 있는 희선의 사진을 우연히 찾았다. 이런 사진을 볼 때 나는 더 슬퍼진다.  내가 죽고, 희선이 살아남았어야 했다. 삶을 즐길 줄 아는 인간은 50세도 되기 전에 죽고, 유치원 시절부터 생에 의심을 가졌던 나는 살아남아서,   인생을 사랑하는 아내가 자식들이 성장하는 것도 보기전에 죽는 것을, 고통에 시달리다가 작별인사도 못하고 가버리는 것을 봐야 하는 이런 인생은, 이런 세상은 얼마나 잔인한 것인가.  담배를 피우면서, 무슨 신호라도 보내서 나를 말려달라고 희선에게 말을 하지만. 물론 희선이 무슨 신호를 보내는, 가로등을 깜박이거나, 꿈에 나타나서 잔소리를 하거나, 하는 그런 일은 나에게 생기지 않는다.  희선이 누구에게 살해당했다면, 나는 그 살인자를 죽여서 최소한의 만족은 느꼈을 것이다. 그러나 희선을 죽인 건 인간이 아니다. 암세포에게 복수를 할 수는 없다. 그리고 희선이 병에 걸린 것이 복잡한 운명의 결과라면, 나는 더 더욱 복수의 대상을 찾을 수가 없다. 우주에 대해서, 또 있다면 신에 대해서, 복수를 할 수는 없다.  복수를 하지 못해서 나의 마음속에 수년 동안 쌓여온 이 분노. 신에게도, 세상에게도 퍼부을 수 없는 분노. 어쩌면 그 분노 때문에 나는 담...

Standing ahead of the long holidays

When my wife, Heesun, died on May 2, 2012, I lost a center of my personal universe. I became a kind of spineless animal. In the past, I considered myself a self-sufficient being. Everything was in a proper place. The world was routinized and familiar. Now, it is not like that anymore. For a one whole year, I did not smoke. Since three months ago, I smoke sporadically. Why do I do this? I know that once I smoke I can't stop. I don't feel good after smoking. But I do it over and over again. Do I want to kill myself? Maybe. Do I hate keep on living when Heesun is gone? Maybe. Maybe I have been hiding my wish even from myself. What I want to do is to die. I am sick of being left alone in this unfamiliar world. The world I had disappeared when Heesun died.

Stay alone away from people

Here is an irony. I meet people and leave them, and I feel lonelier than I stay alone. I feel even more miserable because they have what I lost. Going back to home where a wife is waiting for you. If I stay home alone, I feel just like the same that I have always felt since my wife died. Being alone like a dog. But, at least, there is no comparison with others. People give an easy advice to widowers and widows that they should go out and meet people. Nowadays, I wonder if it is really a good advice. Rather than coming home alone, after meeting people, and feeling even more miserable and lonely, maybe I should just learn to enjoy myself alone. Maybe that is better for me. Maybe that is the way I should stay until the end. Maybe I should ….