Astral Projection

Yesterday, between 2 to 4 AM, I had an experience of astral projection. Maybe or maybe not. Anyway, I flew and visited distant places but failed to see my wife Heesun.
Before the May of 2012 when my wife died, I was a member of ignorant crowd who think themselves as scientific. People of common sense who think their limited body and intelligence can understand everything under the Sun. But if they heard descriptions of the quantum world from a physicist, they would consider him crazy. They are so ignorant and so was I.
Now I don’t think I know everything in the world. And I know that just because something does not come within the scope of my dull senses, it does not become automatically non-existent.
But there is another reason why people don't care about or believe the possibility of worlds other than this physical world in which we live. They are simply satisfied with the current world because they have no traumatic experience which makes one sick of this world. I had such experiences for the last five years. No wonder I want to get out of this world asap.


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