I learned how to smile too late

I cannot find a photo taken during our honeymoon trip except this one. I must have hated taking photos so bad. But the real problem with the photo is that I cannot give a big smile when I had my wife by my side after a long and difficult struggle to marry her. I just did not know how to smile.
However, Heesun, who had more difficult times in her youth than I did, is almost always smiling in any photos I can find, although her smile was not as bright as before since I made a mess from 2002 by changing my jobs too often. It simply is difficult to find a photo where me and Heesun are showing a real big smile together.
I finally found a photo that we, especially I, almost made it. But I seem to have learned how to smile too late. The photo was taken on May 14, 2011. Two months later, Heesun was hospitalized and soon had to use a feed tube for eating. I am still looking for a photo in which I make a real big smile with Heesun in a good health.
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